The Dividing Line

Watch “The Dividing Line LIVE” Featuring
Dr. James White.
Most Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00pm Eastern Time

Live Video Stream

The Dividing Line livestream has been moved to our Twitter(X) channel. On the morning of the show we will announce planned start times on our app, Twitter(X), our Facebook page and here on our website.

The Video Archive

High resolution recordings are posted on our Youtube channel as well as on Twitter. These sites provide videos of most of the debates that Dr. White has done over the years. Take some time and browse to see if there is something there of interest to you.

The Audio Archive

The audio archive is on our Sermon Audio channel along with every recorded debate that James has done.


Every now and then James opens up the show and takes Zooms calls.  When this happens we will announce it in our day of post as mentioned above along with a link to an short instruction video for how to call in.

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