Did a Radio Free Geneva today and reviewed the comments of Bruxy Cavey from Canada on monergism, synergism, prevenient grace, etc.
Here is the YouTube link:
Did a Radio Free Geneva today and reviewed the comments of Bruxy Cavey from Canada on monergism, synergism, prevenient grace, etc.
Here is the YouTube link:
Today on an edition of Radio Free Geneva (which included our newly re-done Radio Free Geneva theme!) I reviewed a sermon by Pastor Eric Hankins preached September 26, 2013 at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary on the subject of election. In this sermon Hankins basically seeks to reduce the concept of election to merely a call to service after salvation,
Discussed Mitt Romney’s speech on religion in politics, playing some segments from it, then listened to Dan Barker of the Freedom from Religion Foundation warning us about the Dangers of Dogma.
Briefly commented on the article that talked about how there are more Wiccans in the US now than “mainline” Presbyterians, and then we opened the phones and had great calls on such topics as David’s wives, Jeremiah 32 and Acts 2 (infant baptism), and judgment of believers (and more). We will do another program scheduled for Wednesday, and then a
Addressed the shameful situation with the treatment of the Bucks, the absurd claim by Karen Swallow Prior that she is “afraid” of Tom, and my predictions for the future of the, I think, soon to be renamed Southern Baptist Convention.
Started off covering a Catholic Answers article trying to find “clues” to the Roman priesthood in the Bible. Then moved on to the main topic, that being the discussion of whether Jesus said the “I am” statements as per the Craig Evans/Bart Ehrman discussion, and Mike Licona’s commentary thereon last week. Resulted in an in-depth discussion of inspiration especially in
Yup, you guessed it, continued with the textual criticism seminar. Going to try to start wrapping things up on Tuesday, hopefully taking your calls on textual issues on Thursday. We will see. Started today’s program with a clip from ol’ Texe Marrs, which will appear on the blog soon.
Back in Phoenix after two full weeks of ministry back east and south. Reported on what took place at the G3 Conference in Atlanta, in Memphis, at the Deep South Founder’s Conference, and at the premiere of Unpopular the Movie in Dallas. Had a lot of stories to tell, and that gave the background for a pretty long and hopefully
On the 20th anniversary of Keith Green’s tragic plane crash, James White and Steve Camp give a tribute to the life, ministry, and enduring legacy of musician Keith Green. This episode has been noted as one of James White’s favorite Dividing Line episodes.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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