Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Teaching: Christ Sanctified as Lord in Our Hearts, 2011 Psalm 119 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 9/15/2011
James White, , Uncategorized
An Email I Just Fired Off
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Deconstructed Baptists, Another Confusing Keller Tweet, Second Run at John 6.
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Post-Evangelicalism, Provisionism, UncategorizedTalked a bit about current events amongst the Southern Baptists, including the vicious attacks from “deconstructed” Baptists (i.e., apostates). We discussed another confusing tweet from Tim Keller, and then I took the time to back up and re-do the discussion on John 6 from the last program. Much clearer, organized, and understandable this time! No technical juggling this time around!
Open Phones with Pastors James and Jeff
Rich Pierce, , Abortion, Atheism, Christian Worldview, Church History, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Mormonism, Pastoral Theology, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Theology Matters, UncategorizedDid an hour and 15 minutes of phone calls (but, that was only 4 calls!) with my fellow pastor Jeff Durbin. Some good topics of conversation to be had, hope you find it encouraging! Thanks to Jeff for coming in! Here is the YouTube link: Live Video Stream The Dividing Line is on YouTube video. Our YouTube channel also provides
The Glory of the Three Persons
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Truly Strange Bedfellows
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