Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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James White, , UncategorizedA month after James ordered George Bryson’s book, “The Dark Side of Calvinism” There is still no word on when it will arrive. The rest of the first half of the program dealt with John Armstrong and the issues surrounding the “New Perspective.” A caller asked questions related to the Limited Atonement and how God’s will coincides with it while
Teaching: Christ Sanctified as Lord in Our Hearts, 2011 Psalm 119 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 9/15/2011
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John 17:7-8 Bible Study
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Teaching: The History of Trinitarian Theology, Know Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mechanicsville, VA, 4/27/2019
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Recent Posts
- The Ignatian Strawman Extinguished
- Road Trip: Justification by Faith, Not Works, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 03/02/25
- Road Trip Debate: Roman Catholic Mass Debate, Is Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice? Dr. James White vs Joe Hershmeyer, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 03/01/25
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- Road Trip DL from Jonesboro
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