First program back after nearly half a month on the road!  Gave a report on the trip to Ukraine (and stops along the way), then moved on to other issues, including playing clips from David Allen (calling for fairness and accuracy of representation—so I am calling for him to be fair and accurate as well, and withdraw his false “hyper-Calvinism” charge) and Shawn McCraney (we will be examining his recent denials of the Trinity and his attacks upon the churches in his area on Thursday with Pastor Jason Wallace).  I moved from there to looking at a few articles I had saved for discussion over the past few weeks, including one by real, honest-to-goodness, in-the-flesh hyper-Calvinists attacking me for not being one of them (ironic, no?), and another on the fact that Rome has, in fact, completely changed her teachings on religious liberties and freedom over the centuries.  A wide ranging program indeed!  Great to be back, and again, my thanks to John Samson for keeping the howling hordes of Calvinists at bay while I was gone!  Well done ol’ chap!  Cheerio and pip pip and all!  Just chuffed to bits!

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