Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Using PayPal with a Credit Card
Rich Pierce, , MiscLook for the area marked with the red circle and select it. The Next Screen will be: Now just confirm your information and your done. Its that easy and you don’t have to open any new accounts to do it.
Jehovah Our Righteousness
Jeff Downs, , MiscLet me encourage you to listen to a very encouraging message by Joseph Pipa, from chapel at GPTS. just a few minutes ago. The passage was Jeremiah 23:1-8 on, Jehovah our Righteousness. Click here to listen.
Why No Comments?
James White, , MiscI’ve seen a number of comments today about how this blog doesn’t have comments. That is quite true. Part of the reason is that up until December of 2004 this blog was about as old-fashioned as it could be: it was a straightforward html text file, nothing more. No RSS. Nothing. So, obviously, comments were not even an option. However,
Odds and Ends
James White, , MiscOn the positive side: preached on 1 Cor. 1:17/1 Cor. 2:1-5 last evening at PRBC (listen/download). On the positive side: rode 27.6 miles this morning, first time on the major roads (because it’s a holiday!). Felt great to climb Thunderbird hill again (top end of 59th Ave. for those who know the area). Hadn’t seen that heart rate in
Rome’s Trajectory, Response to Division and Debate Amongst the “Reformed”
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church History, Debate, Eschatology, Misc, Musings, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersStarted off with a bit on the election, then tied this into the current developments in Rome with Francis making sure his legacy will continue to shift the direction of the Roman Church. Then addressed Joel Webbon’s recent webcast about the now infamous Holocaust meme, and related issues amongst the “Reformed” (that term is just about to collapse due to
It’s Great to be Loved (Updated)
James White, , MiscJames White the Pinhead I was pointed to this great article by Frank Luciani about me. I’m a pinhead, and a used car salesman, all rolled into one. Of course, anyone who actually listens to what I say, or accurately reads me, will have a hard time taking Mr. Luciani seriously, but…it is illustrative of how deeply tradition can impact
You are Being Lied to, Regularly
James White, , Misc, Personal, The Dividing LineIn the aftermath of whatever it is that happened in Uvalde, the amount of jaw-dropping lies being told to the public is astonishing. And people get away with it because so many are utterly ignorant of firearms basics. It is easy to understand why folks overseas, who have been disarmed for decades, would not be able to detect the lies,
Another Contrast
James White, , MiscReformed Baptist Preaching (Hebrews 4:1-11): Non-Reformed Baptist preaching (Ergun Caner at Thomas Road Baptist Church this past summer).
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