Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Recent Posts
- The Ignatian Strawman Extinguished March 3, 2025
- Road Trip: Justification by Faith, Not Works, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 03/02/25 March 2, 2025
- Road Trip Debate: Roman Catholic Mass Debate, Is Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice? Dr. James White vs Joe Hershmeyer, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 03/01/25 March 1, 2025
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Recent Posts
- The Ignatian Strawman Extinguished
- Road Trip: Justification by Faith, Not Works, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 03/02/25
- Road Trip Debate: Roman Catholic Mass Debate, Is Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice? Dr. James White vs Joe Hershmeyer, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 03/01/25
- Road Trip Debate: Limited Atonement Debate, For Whom Did Christ Die? Dr. James White & Jeremiah Nortier vs Dr. Joshua Farris & Dan Chapa, Twelve 5 Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas, 02/28/25
- Road Trip DL from Jonesboro
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