I’ve seen it many times. The Cage Stage. A believer’s eyes are opened to the majesty of God as the sovereign King of the universe, and their entire life is turned upside down. And for a while, they have more zeal than they have knowledge. We call it the “cage stage.” That period in the experience of the new Calvinist where they would be better off kept in a cage until they can gain enough maturity to handle these vitally important topics aright. That time when they are more likely to hurt themselves, and others! You know, when they are all running around smacking someone upside the head with Pink’s The Sovereignty of God? Yeah.
So how do you avoid getting locked up in the cage? One of the questions people have is, “I want to share these truths with my loved ones! How do I do it without looking like a zealot?” Here’s a suggestion: Drawn by the Father. This is one of my smallest books. It’s focused, brief, concise. But, since it is about John 6:35-45, it is very powerful. The words of the Lord Jesus from the synagogue in Capernaum have opened the eyes of many! This isn’t some thick tome of theology, yet, at the same time, it presses Jesus’ claims upon the heart of the believer with clarity. It is especially useful for those who may be impacted by a slight infection of “red-letter onlyism,” where people think that the red letters in the Bible are somehow more inspired than the black ones (especially the black ones in Paul’s writings!). You can order Drawn by the Father from our bookstore, here.

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