Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Witnessing to Mormons part 10: First Vision
Rich Pierce, , Mormonism, The Dividing LineJoseph Smith is at the center of the LDS religion, and they focus on his first vision, of both the Father and Son, and two separate personages and Gods. Richard Pierce uncovers how Smith’s recounting of this vision profoundly changed over time, and the theological problems with the now-accepted story.
Mormon Missionaries at the Door
James White, , Mormonism, The Dividing LineA couple of LDS missionaries show up at the door while James is getting ready to head for SLC and debate LDS professor R. Dennis Potter. Then callers.
Mormonism and Heaven
Jeff Downs, , MormonismI finally get to post something. Well, nothing of real substance (i.e. the particular post that is). You will forgive me as I am currently in seminary, and since I started I’ve had no real breaks (summer included). And so at this point, this is the best I can do. For those interested in Mormonism, you may want to listen
Mega Edition of the Dividing Line: Andy Stanley, 3 Mormons, and a Bit More
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church History, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Godly Disciplines, Gospel/Jesus Studies, Homosexuality, Islam, Mormonism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing LineSpent nearly an hour and 20 minutes listening to and interacting with the discussion between Jonathan Merritt and Andy Stanley at the beginning of the program. Dr. Albert Mohler spent a solid ten minutes on the same exchange on this morning’s edition of The Briefing (recommended). Then we moved over to playing some clips from a YouTube channel called 3Mormons,
Removing One’s Name From the Rolls of the LDS Church
James White, , MormonismAttached to this sheet is a copy of what can be called a ‘representative sample’ of a letter that requests that a person’s name be removed from the rolls of the Mormon Church. Some introductory comments are necessary. First, there are some folks who leave Mormonism, come to Christ, and have no desire whatsoever to have their names removed from
Major News from Salt Lake City
James White, , MormonismThis is some of the biggest news I’ve seen coming out of Mormonism in quite some time. Here is the Salt Lake Tribune article (ht: TC). Changing a single word in the introduction to the Book of Mormon may not seem like a huge thing to most folks, but it is the word that is changed that says a lot.
More on Mouw
James White, , MormonismUnless you have been monitoring a wide variety of sources, you might think my response to, and refutation of, Fuller Seminary President Richard Mouw’s comments in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City was harsh. In comparison to the rhetoric of some, I’m a cupcake. But, thankfully, by avoiding the extraneous arm-waving and calls for jihads I hope that I have
John 10:34-35 Are Men Gods?
James White, , Mormonism“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken:” John 10:34-35 KJV This passage is part of the longer section dealing with Jesus’ disputation with the Jews concerning who He is and just how He relates
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