Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
A Quick Trip to Mesa
James White, , MormonismI flew back from London last night…I think. Hard to know what time it is, what day it is, etc., at the moment. I took a quick run out to the Mesa Easter Pageant just to say hello. This is the first year since 1984 that I haven’t been there every night (with the exception of those few years where
Mormonism 101 Continued
James White, , MormonismBut how can men become gods? This is answered in probably the most famous portion of the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 132. This portion, put to paper on July 12th, 1843, speaks directly to the issue by introducing the covenant of eternal marriage. This concept is vitally important to Mormons, and while plural marriage (which was intimately connected with the
Regarding an Internet Debate on Temples with Dr. Hamblin
James White, , MormonismA few weeks ago Dr. William Hamblin, associate professor of history at Brigham Young University, declined the invitation offered to him to debate the thesis, “The Building of Temples is Consistent with New Testament Christianity” in a public setting before video cameras. Shortly thereafter a discussion occurred, referenced on this blog, regarding debates, etc. On April 2, 2004, I debated
Witnessing to Mormons part 10: First Vision
Rich Pierce, , Mormonism, The Dividing LineJoseph Smith is at the center of the LDS religion, and they focus on his first vision, of both the Father and Son, and two separate personages and Gods. Richard Pierce uncovers how Smith’s recounting of this vision profoundly changed over time, and the theological problems with the now-accepted story.
17 Points of the True Church
James White, , MormonismThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prints a small card that is normally entitled “Seventeen points of the True Church.” At times the front of the card will read “Does it meet the Test?” Whatever the form, many Christians have been handed this card. What of its claims? Are the 17 listed points true? Do the claims made
Witnessing to Mormons: Christology (part 2 of 3)
Rich Pierce, , Mormonism, The Dividing LineRich leads a roundtable discussion comparing the Christology of LDS theology to that of the Bible, and engages in an extended discussion with a Mormon caller on Biblical monotheism and the translation of Scripture.
Witnessing to Mormons Part 7: Prophethood of Joseph Smith
Rich Pierce, , Mormonism, The Dividing LineRich Pierce lists and explains the significant false prophecies of Joseph Smith, as the prophethood of Joseph Smith can be a stumbling block for a Mormon to hear the gospel.
I Testify To You…
James White, , MormonismThat there is one true and eternal God, unchangeable, unique, all-powerful.1 That this one true God created all things; there is nothing that exists anywhere that He did not bring into existence.2 That this one true God is spirit, and is not limited to time and space, both of which He himself created.3 That man is the creation of God,
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