Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Concept 2 Rowing’s Holiday Challenge, Stand to Reason, Craig Hazen, Richard Mouw
James White, , MormonismNothing like an odd headline, eh? OK, here’s what it’s all about. Concept 2 rowing machines. Here’s what they look like. OK, I got hooked on rowing while on a cruise a while back. They had these in the gym on the ship, and I loved it. Tried to get started with a cheapie Sears type when I got home,
Mormonism 101: Second Level Statements: The King Follett Discourse (#4)
James White, , MormonismThe Council of the Gods At this point Smith goes into a fascinating discussion of Genesis 1:1 and how this passage supports his theology, but we move past this to remain focused upon ascertaining the what of his theology more than the how at this point. Oh, ye lawyers, ye doctors, and ye priests, who have persecuted me, I want
Open Borders Means Anarchy and Lawlessness, Then Open Phones on Deep Theological Topics
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church History, Eastern Orthodoxy, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Islam, King James Onlyism, Mormonism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersWhile we were getting folks in line for open phones I commented for about ten minutes on the simple reality that “open borders” equals anarchy and the end of law, a concept that should not be attractive to any Christian whatsoever. Then we went to the phones to discuss a bunch of deep Trinitarian issues, as well as Eastern Orthodoxy,
The King Follett Funeral Discourse: #1
James White, , MormonismThe King Follett Discourse It is quoted hundreds of times by LDS General Authorities in their sermons and books. So often is one section of it cited in Mormon history that even Stephen Robinson, a Mormon scholar who insists that critics of Mormonism stick to a narrow spectrum of official teachings of the Church, admits that this one statement
17 Points of the True Church
James White, , MormonismThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prints a small card that is normally entitled “Seventeen points of the True Church.” At times the front of the card will read “Does it meet the Test?” Whatever the form, many Christians have been handed this card. What of its claims? Are the 17 listed points true? Do the claims made
Mega Edition of the Dividing Line: Andy Stanley, 3 Mormons, and a Bit More
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church History, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Godly Disciplines, Gospel/Jesus Studies, Homosexuality, Islam, Mormonism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing LineSpent nearly an hour and 20 minutes listening to and interacting with the discussion between Jonathan Merritt and Andy Stanley at the beginning of the program. Dr. Albert Mohler spent a solid ten minutes on the same exchange on this morning’s edition of The Briefing (recommended). Then we moved over to playing some clips from a YouTube channel called 3Mormons,
Mormonism 101: Fourth Level Statements (#1)
James White, , MormonismI have been seeking to provide to those interested in knowing the truth the facts concerning the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) related to the doctrine of God. Who is the God of Mormonism? Is Mormonism just a variant of Christianity? The candidacy of Mitt Romney for President has once again thrown tremendous
A Quick Trip to Mesa
James White, , MormonismI flew back from London last night…I think. Hard to know what time it is, what day it is, etc., at the moment. I took a quick run out to the Mesa Easter Pageant just to say hello. This is the first year since 1984 that I haven’t been there every night (with the exception of those few years where
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