A full two hours on the DL today.  Due to connection issues, we recorded “off air.”  First section we looked at a few comments from the “News Division” over at Pulpit and Pen on the Nashville Statement (wink, wink). Then we read through this excellent statement that was released last week on critical race theory and its damaging impact on the church.  Then in the last 80 minutes or so we responded fully to a video from a Roman Catholic on the Golden Chain passage in Romans 8 (I played it in its entirety—but at 1.2x to 1.3x speed).  I truly hesitated to invest the major amount of time in responding to this young fellow, mainly because not only are his arguments really, really bad, but they are very shallow, and his materials are filled with “fluff” that takes forever to sift through. He just doesn’t make his points clearly and succinctly, but, like Ahmed Deedat, is a “showman,” substituting glitz and video for substantial argumentation and reasoning.  But, we pressed on and hopefully provided a “learning moment” anyway, for we were able to move all the fluff out of the way and get to the point: the insertion of human tradition into the Bible’s teachings resulting in a complete overthrow of God’s glorious grace.

Here is the YouTube link:


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