Once again I wish to thank all the faithful believers who prayed for last night’s event at Biola University in Los Angeles. It was truly a wonderful time. The staff did a great job setting up the event, and I am very thankful to Beau Boyd and the “El Torrito Gang” for all they did to make this happen. I love seeing young men and women with a zeal for God’s truth taking the “bull by the horns” so to speak and getting things done.
Fred Butler from John MacArthur’s church has done me the favor of reporting on the debate here and providing some nice pictures as well, which will save me a lot of time! He even took a picture of my tablet PC! My tablet is famous! Now I just have to remember to reset the battery time settings before each debate (doh!). (Quick update: here is another report from Patrick Chan).
The incoming e-mails from students who were there have been wonderfully encouraging as well. I am sure, given that we did a three-camera shoot, that the DVD’s will look spectacular. Please do not ask me when the mp3’s will be available! Obviously, we will get them out as soon as we can, and I’m sure Rich will make this a high priority in the video-editing schedule.
I mentioned in my closing statement that I have already been talking to Shabir about scheduling a debate on the deity of Christ for May of 2007. I would like to arrange it for the University of Glasgow in Scotland, since he has debated there before, and I have friends in that area as well, and a church up near Stirling has contacted me about doing an apologetics conference for them in May of 2007. And I made the offer nearly irresistible: I promised that if Shabir will accept my challenge to debate in Glasgow, I’ll wear a formal kilt for the occasion!
The main reason I’m not going to wax too long in reporting on the debate, aside from Fred’s fine blog entry, is that I will be doing The Dividing Line tomorrow morning and will give you a full report then. In fact, if folks who were there would like to call in, that would be great as well. Till then, once again, many thanks to all who worked so hard to arrange the debate, to those who prayed, and please continue to pray not only for our upcoming debates but also that the Lord will open the door for a 2007 debate on the deity of Christ in Scotland.
Finally, a special shout out to Beau Boyd, mentioned above. This is the only picture I have right now of Beau, making sure he’s covering my back after the debate. He was the first one to contact me about doing the debate, and he stuck it out even when it got tough. He and Jer (below) also dragged themselves out of bed this morning to take me to the airport, which turned out to be a long ride thanks to a massive traffic jam a few minutes from LAX.
And then another special shout out to Jer and Marissa, who not only gave me a cactus and tulips upon arriving at LAX, but they later admitted that my debates were involved in their starting to date! I honestly have no idea how that could happen, or what it means, but I thought it was great anyway.
So, be listening tomorrow to the DL for a full report! See you then!
Quick Addition: Just got some more pics. This one shows Beau in the foreground, Marissa next to him; behind Marissa is The Gripper, Eddie Dalcour, who along with Beau made for an impressive set of body-guards! The fellow right next to me is from Columbia, and he really enjoyed the debate, and behind him is a Master’s Seminary grad as well. I am waxing eloquent on something here. I do recall talking to a lovely young lady at one point about a text of Scripture and just watching her brighten as she came to understand the point (she is a new believer). I will admit, being around these young folks is rejuvenating, especially when I realize they are the same age as my son! Excuse me while I go chug some Geritol….
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.